Dear KP family,
A number of years ago, before my decision to move to Austin, I was at the end of my line. People talk about dry spells in their lives; seasons when life is somehow drained of the magic that makes each moment meaning-filled and worth living. Christians experience and express this most often in spiritual ways. “God was far from me”, they might say; or “it was a season to persevere in my faith-walk…blessed are they who do not see and yet believe.” And while we truly see things through this lens, we also mean “I was thoroughly depressed and didn’t want to wake up in the morning to face such a day.” It was one of those kinds of seasons for me. One night, the emptiness was particularly oppressive and I couldn’t sleep. I felt so alone and sad. In the early hours of the morning I began to pray “God where are you?” “Where is goodness?” God’s response to my prayer, as I understood it, was that I needed more faith! How irritating and dismissive that response felt to me. I expressed back…”But how?” God’s response: “Are you sure you’re ready to find out…?”
That prayer began the beginning of a process of cleansing that I have yet to complete. It began with a response from me and was followed shortly thereafter by the reanimation of my sense of calling and self-affirmation; eventually, in pure ecstasy, bidding me to come to Austin to seek my future. This week, the remembrance of this beginning caused me to stop and give thanks. Though it was an unlikely week for such thankfulness.
A few days ago I was in a car accident. Sadly, as “accidents” go, this one leaned more toward the “blame” end of the “accidental” spectrum. Without expanding, I can say in short, the other person didn’t know what hit them and being distracted with too many things, I didn’t know that I was about to do the hitting. Everyone is fine except our cars (and my ego) so please don’t worry (though do pray for me;). In a daze afterward, the police showed up and asked the occupants of both vehicles what professions we were in (why do they ask this question?). My awkward and abbreviated answer was “a farmer”. Later, I expounded, stating sheepishly that I work for Mobile Loaves & Fishes and proceeded to describe the Karpophoreō Project (sorry for the negative association Alan). But this is where the magic starts breaking through… It turns out that in the car I hit, two incredibly gracious women had just been talking about wanting to start a garden in their backyards but worrying about not having enough time to tend it (one even had starter material for seedlings in her car). One was also longtime supporter and volunteer of Mobile Loaves & Fishes. Needless to say, by the time the driver’s husband arrived to pick them both up, the Karpophoreo Project secured its third Backyard Farm reservation for the month of February and the possibility of connecting with several more, not to mention a kind parting (certainly not always the case in circumstances such as these). My ride home came a few minutes later from Lloyd, the only car-owner within our KP community, and this too made me smile and gave me the opportunity to give thanks.
Through this project I’ve had the chance to practice faithfulness to a degree I wasn’t capable of not so many years back. And the rewards have been abundant, even (or especially) in weeks like these.
This week was also incredibly special as one of our longtime volunteers has decided to wholeheartedly get on the KP bus! Reading in Ephesians “to live as children of light…and find out what pleases the Lord”, she realized that, in volunteering with the HOW community, she was witnessing something that warmed God’s heart. And though she wouldn’t say this, I believe she found something which was worth investing her considerable talents in. We welcome Jen Ardill to the KP staff and I hope you will all get the chance to say hello if you haven’t already.
Btw, Jen has designed the first Karpophoreō Project website! Check out all upcoming events and details about our programs at
Upcoming Events:
What a season we’re entering! Check out the events coming up and let us know where you’d like to plug in…
January 30th ** Community Workday ** A team from Veritas Academy will be washing and painting trailers in our community. Though they don’t know it yet, I’m also hoping they can help me get our mini-greenhouse transplants underway. The event will run from 9-12 with a community lunch happening from 11-12. Come join the crew and the fun. We’re at 7901 E Ben White Blvd 78741. For more info, call me at (512) 921-1632.
February 6th and 20th** Farmer’s Market ** We’ll be back at the City of Sunset Valley Farmer’s Market from 9-1pm. If you can’t make it but still want something, we can contact you afterward and deliver, for a small fee, any produce that is not sold at the market. We would ultimately like to set up Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) drop-off points, where one person becomes the hub where others in your network pick up their weekly produce and egg orders. Our ladies are laying by the way, but not enough yet for deliveries. You can also join the fun on the afternoon of Friday the 5th when KP teams will be tending and harvesting our garden farms throughout the city. We meet up at my house and then fan out. All ages are welcome to come.
February 8th ** Info Session ** Many of you have indicated an interest in hosting a Backyard Farm of your own. We will be providing a formal introduction to the Karpophoreō Project, the Backyard Farm program, and have a potluck brunch from 9:30-11:00am on Monday the 8th at the generous host-sight of our first Church Garden ( 8214 E. Riverside Dr 78744). This is right behind our RV Park and, for those interested, we’ll be leading a tour next door to look through some trailers afterward. Austin’s very own Sustainable Food Center will also be on hand to talk about the many resources they provide for local foodies/gardeners as well as their Spread the Harvest program.
February 13th ** The Big Dig ** KP will be building a Backyard Farm at the Hardin household! Soil maintenance and food will be provided in the morning and Jeff and Melanie from Break It Down (, a local non-profit composting business will lead an info session that afternoon on how to build and manage a compost bin in your own backyard. This event would be a great time for gardening novices to come and learn the ancient art of “getting your hands dirty.” We will be building a garden from start to finish while also teaching through everything from examining the soil to choosing which plants for which season. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Bring gloves and a fork or spoon if you can… (spading forks and shovels are also encouraged!)
February 27th ** Youth Workday Extravaganza ** Over the last month, the KP community and staff from Veritas Academy have been thinking through the unrealized possibilities of youth workdays. We like it when events have an opening bash, a closing party, and plenty for all skill levels in between. The result, the YWE, is an all day event for those serious about service. We will need servants (young and old) interested in designing and printing signs for our gardens across the city, servants with talents in making a music video advertisement for KP, and of course, servants who want to get their hands dirty in four Backyard farms we hope to build that day. Sprinkled throughout the day at all work sites, we will stop and listen to the amazing life stories of the men and women from the Habitat on Wheels community who will be carrying on the work at each garden. To cap the day, we hope to have a real pig roast, youth band (we’re counting on you!), and to watch the music video made throughout the day. Please invite your friends from far and wide for this most-outstanding of workday extravaganzas! More details about locations and work teams for this event are coming soon to a theatre near you!
Good Soil Developer
The Karpophoreō Project/MLF
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