Genesis 2:15 - The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it.
These words are powerful! First God wishes to settle man. Just the word settle has tremendous connotations. It exudes a place of permanence, a place of hospitality, a place of safety, a place of orientation, a place where we are welcomed and accepted, a place where we dwell, a place where we build memories and a place that we inhabit. To be settled!
Now we move on to the word cultivate. Work! To work in the garden. Although man has fallen we still live in the garden and we are all made to work in this garden. Particularly the homeless. The resilience and resourcefulness of the homeless is frankly amazing. Some scavenge for cans all day moving from dumpster to dumpster across town burdened by pounds of cans all for about $10 per day. And for those that think panhandling is being lazy and is full of rewarding joy need to try it themselves. Hard work to say the least; I have tried it.
How about the word care? To look after and provide for the needs of others. To be a steward of the resources given to us. Are we doing this for others? Are we caring for the garden so generously placed in our stewardship? If as employers for others are we caring for them by ensuring that they can earn a living wage? Are we caring for our larger home, mother earth? Everywhere?
Anyway, watch this video of Richard Troxell talk about work then be challenged to think about solutions to help our brothers and sisters.
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