On Friday, June 20th, City Council member Mike Martinez and Mobile Loaves & Fishes President and Founder Alan Graham made a decision to postpone negotiations on the Harold Court property for Park Place Village for a year. Mike Martinez, though, is "more determined than ever to make the project happen...we will have a facility that addresses this important community need."
[click here] to read the press release.
Although it is impossible to know exactly what God has in store for Park Place Village, spirits are high over here at Mobile Loaves & Fishes headquarters. Just like Alan said to us when the decision was announced, “we have been called to help our brothers and sisters in need, and we will do it one RV at a time for as long as it takes.”
This is the core of our mission and our calling: helping our brothers and sisters in need one hug, one meal, and one RV at a time. We are thankful for our calling, and want everyone to know that we won’t stop listening.
To make your RV park a success maybe y'all should introduce the neighbors in the area you want to build the park in to the future residents of it. Include them in this. That way they won't be so freaked out by the concept of a low-income RV park in their neighborhood.
Posted by: Sarah | July 09, 2008 at 08:22 PM